Someone needs Toastmasters, badly

This is not a partisan blog, but rather a communications blog.  Although I am a proud Democrat, I bash Democrats and Republicans equally for their communication blunders.

Having said that, I present to you Phil Davison who is running for Treasurer of the Stark County GOP in Ohio.  As President of my local Toastmasters Club (which happens to also be the first Toastmasters club in the world) I would like to offer some feedback on Mr. Davison’s speech.

On the plus side, he is passionate.  He looks like he is ready to take on this job and will do what it takes to secure the position.  And he has the credentials and experience to get the job done.  Sometimes it takes anger and passion to do something right.

But he definitely goes over the top here.  According to him, he has a Masters in CommUnication!  I didn’t add that exclamation point or the italicized U by accident.  That’s how he says it, with increasing fury as he rattles off each degree he’s earned:  “… and a Masters Degree in CommUnication!”  Really?

His shoulders are tense and he paces back and forth, as if he’s ready to pop a blood vessel.  And he scowls throughout the speech, as if the audience made him eat rotten lemons and wash it down with spoiled milk.  These attributes will not endear him to many people.

Sadly, at about 1:25 into the speech, things really take off.  Now I understand he is upset with the Stark County Treasury, but screaming at the top of his lungs with a cracking voice is not an appropriate way to express such outrage.  For instance, watch the video at 2:10, where he says the office “is in dire need of structure>squeak< and guidance.”  And, he keeps referring to his notes for everything; he really should have rehearsed his speech better.

In sum, I’d recommend he – and all of you, by the way – join Toastmasters, which is a safe environment to practice leadership and communication skills.  I’ve been a Toastmaster for over a year, and even though I also have a Masters in Communication, I have significantly improved my communication and leadership skills since joining.

Perhaps Toastmasters could help Mr. Davison communicate better as well.  If not, maybe someone could recommend a good doctor who could prescribe Xanax.

UPDATE — I incorrectly spelled Phil’s last name Davidson and changed it to the correct spelling, Davison.  Sorry for the blunder.

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  1. Fail Davison « Synergi Blog Says:

    […] Synergi Blog Harmonized Communications. Now. « Someone needs Toastmasters, badly […]

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